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8 Fortnite Locations You Wouldn't Believe Are Real

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Video games are supposed to be these fantastical worlds where you can go to have some fun and
escape the real world at least for a while.
Well, good news for Fortnite fans because there are real places you can visit and feel
like you're right in the game!
And in case you're thinking, "Uh, what's a fortnite?"
let me just go over the basics real quick.
Fortnite is a video game that takes you to a world with very few people left.
When you join the game, you become one of those lucky 2% of survivors, and your mission
is to protect yourself and others from zombies and rebuild civilization.
As for some of the popular locations in the game, here are the real-life ones you can
visit if you ever get the chance, starting with one of the most iconic places…
Battle Royale Island Interestingly enough, the whole Fortnite world
actually looks like a country that exists in real life.
Now let's take those outlines any fan will recognize and check your knowledge of geography.
Does it look like any real country to you?
I'll give you a hint – it's in Eastern Europe.
And the country is … Poland!
When looking at both maps side-by-side, you'll definitely find some differences here and
there, of course.
But the resemblance in outlines is still pretty amazing!
Both places also have a river running through them.
The real river in Poland is called the Vistula, and it's actually the longest and largest
river in the country.
Sure, it certainly isn't as dangerous as the river from Fortnite, which is a real challenge
to cross or be in.
And if you study a map of Poland in detail, you'll also notice certain similarities
with Battle Royale when it comes to regions.
You'll find grasslands in the middle, mountains to the east and west, and the capital city
by the river.
One big difference is that Poland can't boast any desert at the moment, so it's
kinda like Fortnite before the meteor struck and turned it into what it looks like now.
Clock Tower Any regular Fortnite player has been to Tilted
It's the largest city in the game, and it has tall buildings, a bunch of cars, and a
pretty impressive population for a world of very few post-apocalyptic survivors.
Some players compare Tilted Towers to New York City, but that doesn't seem to be the
New York is way larger in size and population.
However, there is one landmark in Tilted Towers that has a real-world inspiration!
It's probably the most famous clock tower in the world we all know as Big Ben.
Now, here's a fun quick fact: Big Ben isn't actually the name of the tower, but the bell
In any case, this extremely popular UK tourist destination that you'll see on any postcard
from London must have inspired the Clock Tower in Fortnite.
In case you doubt that since they don't look that much alike when it comes to architectural
details, then check this out.
The real Big Ben is actually leaning (or tilting!) to one side because of its unstable foundation.
It's actually a cause for major concern among local officials and the public.
So do you get the pun?
A tilting clock tower in Tilted Towers – the game developers definitely added some secret
meaning to it.
Loot Lake Loot Lake is a location that remains basically
intact up to season 6 of the game.
There was just a house by the lake standing in solitude, until Kevin the Purple Cube dove
into it and then reappeared above the surface to take the house with it.
Then, a massive whirlpool was formed in the middle of the lake.
As crazy as it might sound, there's an actual place in the world that looks a lot like it.
It's the Covao do Conchos lagoon in the mountains of the Serra de Estrela in Portugal.
It looks like a gateway to a different dimension, but it is, in fact, completely human-made
and was part of a hydro-electric dam system from 1955.
Still, it's way more exciting to believe it's home to something like the sea monster
from the Odyssey or a portal to another world!
Hey, what can I say, I have a vivid imagination!
Wailing Woods Just like Loot Lake, the Wailing Woods weren't
that exciting until season 6 of the game.
Then, cabins appeared in the woods along with a maze and secret bunker underneath.
This change made the location a lot more interesting for players.
Now, there's a real place in Scotland that has a circle of greenery that looks just like
the Wailing Woods.
No one knows if there's a secret bunker underneath it, though.
Maybe you'll have to go there to find out!
Dusty Divot Dusty Divot was originally called Dusty Depot
and served as a government research facility.
Then, a meteor crashed there and completely changed the area.
Hence, now we have Dusty Divot, and based on the game's storyline, it apparently took
years for the place to get its greenery back.
Any Fortnite fan will know the crater and the diner right next to it.
So if you want to visit the real-world version of it, head right to Arizona!
There's a very similar looking crater in the Northern Arizona desert that's actually
a national landmark.
There's some greenery inside and outside the crater and a building that looks just
like the Dusty Diner and a road that leads there.
Pleasant Park Birds singing, the sun shining, squirrels
and dogs running around, and kids laughing is how most people imagine something that
could be called Pleasant Park.
Well it's definitely not the case for Fortnite players because Pleasant Park is more like
a war zone!
Yeah, nothing "pleasant" about that, but maybe that's the irony?
But rest assured, the park that inspired the game version looks quite the opposite.
Mount Pleasant Park in Vancouver, Canada is located in a great family-friendly area, and
the perfect climate makes it green and pretty all year round.
What do the two Pleasant Parks have in common then?
They look pretty much identical, except for the fact that there's a soccer field in
Fortnite and a basketball court in the real-life park.
Now, you've seen places around the globe that inspired Fortnite developers, but Epic
Games actually went further and shifted the borders between two worlds.
They made the motto of season 5 "Worlds Collide" and placed a few well-known objects
from the game in real-life locations, like...
Loot Llamas Loot Llamas (or Llama PiƱatas) in Fortnite
are packed with heroes, survivors, weapons, traps, and important resources.
Any player is happy to find them in the game, but imagine the joy of seeing them in real
And it became real in 2018 when 7 huge sturdy metal llamas were spotted in Paris, Cologne,
Cannes, Warsaw, Barcelona, and London.
There were actually 2 llamas in London, and the most famous one was stuck halfway inside
an iconic red phone booth.
It was definitely a great marketing trick from Epic Games!
Durr Burger Durr Burger from Greasy Grove is one of Fortnite's
main symbols.
It's a fast food restaurant chain that has Beef Boss as its mascot.
Players got really sad when it shut down in season 6 and got covered in ice in season
Luckily, a Durr Burger food truck opened in Retail Row instead of the old stationary restaurant.
Anyway, that was all in the game, but in 2018, Fortnite fans went crazy when a random photographer
shared images of a giant Durr Burger head in the California desert surrounded by warning
Some super loyal fans immediately set out on a journey to find it and noticed a police
car looking exactly like the one from Fortnite by it.
There was also an agent nearby questioning visitors about the anomaly.
When the questioning was finished, each visitor received a card with a number on it.
When they called it, they heard a recording that could be transformed into geographical
Who knew the real world could be so fun!
Hey, don't go anywhere just yet!
I've got a fun bonus for ya!
If you ever wondered if video games can help you out in real life, check out this awesome
story from Ohio.
A group of high-school students took a picture with their teacher and wrote a bet on the
It said that if their photo got retweeted 6,700 times, the students would win.
What was the prize, you ask?
Well, the teacher, promised to change regular exam questions into ones on Fortnite.
And since the tweet went viral and was shared over 30,000 times, the teacher actually had
to ask game developers for help to write the exam questions since he lost the bet!
So, are you a Fortnite fan?
What's your favorite location in the game?
Feel free to share in the comment section below!
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